And while all of the other babies went after their gift - Kai sat there and cried. He was a very tired baby.
Some fun pictures
And while all of the other babies went after their gift - Kai sat there and cried. He was a very tired baby.
Bad hair day?
Don't Forget to Vote!
As a 'Republican' - I have to say I am disappointed with the Republican party. I believe they have waved the 'We are for family values' and 'We are the patriotic party' flags for awhile now and once in office, have done contrary to those statements. I belive the Republican party is too big and too powerful for it's own good. I believe, ultimately, the Republican party is for big business/corporations and are only for family values and American patriotism when it's election time.
Being a PR person - I know a smart PR campaign when I see it. And 'they' (the Republican party) have built a great 'false' image that stirs the hearts of the voters. They know that those who believe in family values and believe in the country, are those most likely to vote. So they pull out these flags when election time comes around and viola . . . the voters turn out and they get elected.
Once in 'power', they push for policies that further big business' agendas and forget about the family values that put them in there. They forget about those families who are working hard and can not afford health insurance. Where are the family values in that? They forget about the sons and daughter, fathers and wives fighting over in Iraq- some coming home scarred for life (either physically or mentally), others never come home. What is the number up to these days? 4000??? And why is it we are over there for again?
And what about the Iraqi families - who have lost loved ones? Who live in a constant state of not knowing what the future brings for their families- where are the family values in that? Or do we not care - since they are part of a country that is deemed part of the 'axis of evil'.
What about Katrina? What about all of those families devestated and homeless after they lost everything? Where was the grand ol' party who believes in protecting families? Would the outcome have been different if those affected by the hurricane were more affluent? But then again, they would have been able to help themselves, right? Because of course, that's what we belive as republicans right? No socialism here . . . we believe it's not up to the government to help people, they must help themselves.
Now, having said all of this, I don't believe all Republican politicians beliefs or actions are in contrary to family values and American patriotism, but I do belive that in order to become president, you have to ultimately bow down to the power of the party. I belive McCain is a good man, who has served our country well. He probably deserves the presidency just as much as Obama, but I don't believe he will be able to stand against the party and what the party dictates.
Anyhow enough of my thoughts . . . just go out and vote!!!
Some pictures of my cutie
The Giggling Hyena
Isn't life grand when you can laugh at the simple things of life - like falling clothes pins?
Feeding Baby Bird
Yea!!!! my first video upload. Too cute to resist. I told you Lauren is a good friend. (She is doing the feeding.)
Kai and Lauren
Uncle Shane's visit
The boys . . .
Our sleepy hiker....
The bigger of the two caves. The picture doesn't do it justice, but trust me it was amazing. I wish I had better pictures of the hike itself. You will just have to take my word for it.
Our First Family holiday - Pacific Palms Beach
Aaaggghhh the view. . .
Taiwan lives on inside of us!
The little guy keeps growing!
Okay, so I have been a bit slack in updating the blog. Apologies, I have been busy organising things and I just started my new job (only part-time), so that's my excuse and I am sticking to it.
And it has been really exciting here at the Walters house. Little Kai is growing so fast. About two weeks back, it seem to all hit at once. He started rolling over and holding his head up so high and wiggling on his belly. I was so excited, I snapped a few pics.
Then I noticed he started grabbing for his feet. It was so cute! And he started reacting to us when we called out for him. Of course, we always call him Mister, so he doesn't know his name just yet. And I read him stories and he listens and looks at the pictures.
And then I noticed he was showing all of the signs that he is ready for solids. He was chewing, etc. So I said what the heck and gave it a go. He loved it! I gave him some mashed potatos and then after a few days he had some sweet potato. So we decided he needed a chair in the kitchen, so we bought him a highchair. He loves sitting in it, although he looks so small in it. And he eats like a champ! And he likes grabbing the spoon and putting it into his mouth.
All of this before he is five months. (He will be five months tomorrow.) I knew they grew up fast, but not this fast! I keep telling him to slow down because I still want my little baby. And I am always telling him that he is not a baby anymore, he is my little boy. But he still likes to be held like my little baby. :-) And he loves to do spins in his cot. He is hilarious! He is constantly cracking up and making us laugh. He is a star!