Okay, so I have been a bit slack in updating the blog. Apologies, I have been busy organising things and I just started my new job (only part-time), so that's my excuse and I am sticking to it.
And it has been really exciting here at the Walters house. Little Kai is growing so fast. About two weeks back, it seem to all hit at once. He started rolling over and holding his head up so high and wiggling on his belly. I was so excited, I snapped a few pics.
Then I noticed he started grabbing for his feet. It was so cute! And he started reacting to us when we called out for him. Of course, we always call him Mister, so he doesn't know his name just yet. And I read him stories and he listens and looks at the pictures.
And then I noticed he was showing all of the signs that he is ready for solids. He was chewing, etc. So I said what the heck and gave it a go. He loved it! I gave him some mashed potatos and then after a few days he had some sweet potato. So we decided he needed a chair in the kitchen, so we bought him a highchair. He loves sitting in it, although he looks so small in it. And he eats like a champ! And he likes grabbing the spoon and putting it into his mouth.
All of this before he is five months. (He will be five months tomorrow.) I knew they grew up fast, but not this fast! I keep telling him to slow down because I still want my little baby. And I am always telling him that he is not a baby anymore, he is my little boy. But he still likes to be held like my little baby. :-) And he loves to do spins in his cot. He is hilarious! He is constantly cracking up and making us laugh. He is a star!