Young Ambassadors visit Sydney

It was great to have the YA stay with us a few nights. Boy did it bring back memories of touring with Living Legends (the good and the bad). The fireside was good, but I did have to chuckle a bit when the opening story was - none other than a BYU classic - Correction - I know your father. I know, I shouldn't have laughed (inside of course), but it brought back a flood of memories of BYU fireside, where I think each one somehow linked back to that part of the Lion King. I know, it is a good analogy and Ben had never heard it before. . . show a little bit of respect for the hallowed Lion King.
The show was great! Although I didn't see much of it. I spent more than half of it outside with little mister. But I got an idea of what the show was like from the monitors. Watching the performance, brought back a lot of good memories of dancing on stage. Man that was fun! The YA's director, Randy Booth, did most of the choreography for Light of the World (during the SLC Winter Olympics where YAs and Living Legends were asked to perform), which was fabulous! So it was good to see him again. (If anyone has the Light of the World DVD I am one of the icons to click on - talk about a great claim to fame. It's in the Special bits section. Can't remember which one, but I am the Mexican in the purple dress. There are a few close-ups of me too in the video bit.)
Anyways funny story about this guy (see below) - Graeme. Well Ben and I were addicted to watching So You Think You Can Dance Australia and this guy was one of the finalist (I know, it was on Sunday, but we have since repented). And the entire time we were watching it, I was like, I just wish they would vote this guy off(the one bleow). I thought he came across a bit full of himself.
Anyways, the time finally came when he was voted off (took long enough) and in his farewell speech he said something like, 'First I would like to thank my Heavenly Father . . . for the plan he has for me . . .etc.' Ben and I looked at each other going - what - is this dude mormon. (For those Australian LDS bloggers - I know I am really out of the loop.) Anyways at the YA show during intermission I went to the bathroom. I ran, of course, to beat everyone else because there are never enough stalls to get all of the women through before the end of intermission. And who do you think I saw on my way out . . . yep this guy - Graeme. It didn't hit me at first, I just looked at him wondering why this guy looked so familiar to me. Anyways - it clicked when everyone was congratulating him on a job well done on the show. So I joined in and said congrats - secretly repenting for all of the evil thoughts I had about him.